Pass The Plywood: Philadelphia Businesses Boarding Up In Case Of Election Day Violence

The City of Brotherly Love is not bracing for a hurricane: Just the 2020 Presidential Election

Philadelphia's businesses are boarding up for possible Election Day violence.

Philadelphia's businesses are boarding up for possible Election Day violence.

Photo Credit: @tori_stambaugh Twitter

Many businesses in Philadelphia have secured doors and boarded up windows in case of riots or looting.

President Donald Trump and Democratic challenger Joe Biden campaigned across Pennsylvania on Monday, a key battleground state.

Trump, who was neck-and-neck with Biden in election eve polling, continued to tarnish the integrity of the election process.

Counting mail ballots that return after Election Day, as permitted by the Pennsylvania Supreme Court, will induce violence on the streets. Trump told supporters.

Philadelphia officials are hoping for the best but have prepared for the worst, according to city Police Commissioner Danielle Outlaw.

“Maintaining open lines of communication including sharing of intelligence is a key to election preparedness,” Outlaw said, according to CBS3-TV.

Philadelphia police are working closely with Pennsylvania State Police, the FBI, the Delaware Valley Intelligence Center (DVIC), the District Attorney’s Election Task Force and other state and federal agencies to thwart trouble, according to Outlaw.

Philadelphia police and the Pennsylvania National Guard have set up posts throughout the city, including in the Port Richmond section, according to CBS Philly. That’s where major looting occurred last week after the police shooting death of Walter Wallace Jr.

Underscoring Pennsylvania's key role determining the ultimate winner, Vice President Mike Pence and vice presidential nominee Kamala Harris also campaigned in the state on the final day before polls opened.

Former Vice President Biden planned visits to his hometown of Scranton, as well as Philadelphia on Tuesday in the final push for a presidential victory.

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